Higher Purpose. Higher Learning. Higher Calling
Apply Now
Discover what Pinnacle School of Nursing has to offer! You can apply in 4 simple steps:
1. Complete the online application below and pay the $50.00 application fee.
2. Send in the requested documents as soon as possible.
3. Request entrance exam date.
4. Sign up to attend the mandatory information session.
We value your privacy and time. The information you provide will be utilized to provide you with the information you request. It will not be sold to third parties.
Step 1: Complete the application below.
Step 2: Applications
Complete this supplemental application for the LPN program. Mail, email, or drop off your supporting documents. All supporting application materials and/or official transcripts can be emailed to: documents@pinnsn.com
Step 3: Exams
Complete this form to request your entrance exam date. This form should be included with your supporting documents in step #2.
Pinnacle School of Nursing grants equal access, equal educational opportunity to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, marital status, ancestry or political affiliation.
877 Kings Highway, Suite 101
West Deptford, NJ 08086
Phone & Fax
P: 856-652-0200
F: 856-324-9668